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Competitive Analysis via IP Benchmarking

Define the Competition and Gather Intelligence

Defining the competition and gathering intelligence is the crucial first step in IP benchmarking. It sets the stage for the entire analysis and ensures you’re focusing your efforts on the right targets and information.

Identify Key Competitors

Select Relevant IP

Collect IP Data

Analyse and Compare

The “Analyse and Compare” stage of IP benchmarking is where you dive deep into the data and extract meaningful insights. It’s about moving beyond raw numbers and understanding the story behind the data.

Choose the Right Metrics

Benchmark Your Position

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Gain Strategic Insights and Take Action

This is where your IP benchmarking efforts truly pay off! It’s time to translate your analysis into actionable strategies that strengthen your competitive position.

Understand Competitive Strategies

Identify Threats and Opportunities

Develop Action Plans
