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Stefan Müller

Stefan Müller

EP/ DE Patent Attorney

IP enthusiast and patent attorney by passion, making CII and AI patenting tangible from an international perspective. See here my expertise and services.

Munich, Germany

My Focus

IP-Managers in international companies often find that the grant rates of their patents are significantly higher in their own jurisdiction than in other jurisdictions. One of the reasons for this effect is that the patent applications are drafted taking into account the requirements of only one jurisdiction. Drafting patent applications is a challenging task anyway, but it becomes even more difficult if the requirements of different jurisdictions should be considered. Our expert can help you to optimize your scope of software patent protection in Europe.

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My Expertise

I am a European and German patent attorney, specializing in helping US and Asian companies secure their software patents in Europe. In addition, I advise international businesses on drafting strategies to optimize the scope of protection from an international perspective.
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How to avoid divided infringement in patent drafting?

Concentrate on how and where an invention is implemented. If a system has to be run by multiple companies, there might be problems with divided infringement.
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IP business talk with Stefan Müller

Stefan Müller was guest in the IP business talk on 17.01.2024 and discussed the optimization of the scope of protection and grant rates for international companies in Europe with a focus on software patents.
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Why not to use product names in claims?

Although such a claim may work in one jurisdiction (e.g. at the USPTO), it causes major problems at the EPO (or at the German PTO). At the EPO, such claim wording always causes clarity objections under Art. 84 EPC.
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What is the problem with method steps performed by users in patent drafting?

All features of a claim should be defined by taking the perspective of the inventive entity. If method steps are performed by the user, the patent may never be infringed.
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Offered Services

Stefan Müller’s practice focuses on drafting patent applications and conducting patent granting proceedings and opposition proceedings for start-ups, medium-sized companies and major international corporations. He is helping companies in the fields of computer-implemented inventions (incl. machine learning) and semiconductor technology to obtain the best scope of patent protection in Europe.

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Drafting patent applications in Europe

To protect their businesses start-ups, medium-sized and international corporations all require effective patent protection. Stefan helps you to obtain the optimal protection in Europe.

Opposition proceedings in Europe

In IP conflicts with other companies often opposition proceedings are a powerful tool to tip the scales to your side. With his experience in drafting high quality patents Stefan can also support you in opposition proceedings against competitors.

Workshops on idea generation and patent avoidance

For companies it is important to not only create many patents, but the right ones, which generate high values. Stefan offers companies workshops to generate ideas for high quality patents and avoid competitors' patent portfolios.

Focus areas