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👉 A persistent, immersive virtual world connecting digital and physical realities

What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is a persistent, 3D virtual world connected to the real world. The metaverse is a concept in which a digital space is created through the interaction of virtual, augmented and physical reality. It’s a place where people can interact, play, work, learn, and entertain each other as avatars. The main aspect of this is to unite the various spheres of action of the Internet into one reality. There are many different visions of the metaverse, but some of the key features include:

  • Persistence
    The metaverse continues to exist even if there are no users in it.
  • Interoperability
    Users can move seamlessly between different virtual worlds and platforms.
  • Immersion
    The metaverse offers an immersive experience that engages the user’s senses.
  • Virtuality
    The metaverse is a virtual world that is separate from the real world.

The metaverse is often described as a future iteration of the internet and is related to the concept of Web3 or Web 3.0. The metaverse can be seen as an application or manifestation of Web3. Web3 refers to a decentralized web, the next generation of the internet based on blockchain technology. Web3 is different from the previous phases of the internet (Web 1.0 and Web 2.0), which have evolved through different technologies and formats1. Web 1.0 was a web of linked, mostly static, documents, while Web 2.0 was based on the idea of the “web as a platform” and focused on user-generated content.

The metaverse and Web3 are closely related, both of which are concepts aimed at people’s digital presence.

How does the metaverse work?

The metaverse works as a kind of augmented reality, by integrating different technologies that together create an immersive and interactive virtual world. Here are some key concepts that explain how the metaverse works:

  • Virtual Reality (VR)
    VR headsets allow users to immerse themselves in the virtual world and feel like they are actually there.
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
    AR glasses or apps overlay digital information and objects in the real world.
  • Digital avatars
    Users can immerse themselves in the metaverse and interact by creating their own digital avatars. These avatars represent the users in the digital world and allow them to move around different digital worlds and interact with others.
  • Real-time interaction
    The metaverse enables real-time interactions between users1. This means that users can communicate and interact with each other live, regardless of where they are in the physical world.
  • Blockchain
    Blockchain technology enables the secure storage of data and assets in the metaverse, such as avatars, virtual goods, and cryptocurrencies.
  • 5G
    5G mobile networks enable the fast and reliable data transmission needed for the smooth use of the metaverse.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
    AI is used to enhance the metaverse experience, such as creating realistic avatars and virtual environments.

The interplay of the technologies enables new digital user experiences. Through VR and AR, users can move through the virtual world and interact with objects and other avatars. Blockchain technology secures users’ identities and enables the ownership and transfer of virtual goods.

Who will use the metaverse?

The metaverse has the potential to be used by a great many people for many purposes, similar to the internet today. The use of the metaverse is still in its infancy, but it is clear that it has great potential for various application areas. Three different user groups can already be identified:


  • Social interaction
    Meeting friends and family, meeting new people, engaging in virtual communities.
  • Entertainment
    Playing games, watching movies, attending concerts, going on virtual trips.
  • Education
    Take online courses, attend workshops, explore virtual learning environments.
  • Shopping
    Visit virtual stores, try on and buy products.
  • Work
    Remote work in virtual offices, collaborating with colleagues in the metaverse environment.


  • Marketing and advertising
    Presenting products and services in the metaverse, reaching new target groups.
  • Customer support
    Set up virtual showrooms and customer support portals.
  • Training and education
    Educate and educate employees in virtual environments.
  • Virtual events
    Hold trade shows, conferences, and other events in the metaverse.
  • Product development
    Create and test virtual prototypes.


  • Education
    Set up virtual schools and universities, improve access to education.
  • Healthcare
    Offering virtual doctor visits and therapies that improve healthcare.
  • Research and development
    Creating virtual labs and experimental environments.
  • Governments
    Improve citizen participation and service, provide public services in the metaverse.

Various possible uses already exist or are currently being developed:

  • Virtual trade fairs and conferences
    Allow the exchange of information and ideas without the need for physical presence.
  • Virtual doctor visits
    Allow the diagnosis and treatment of diseases remotely.
  • Virtual therapies
    Can help people with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
  • Virtual museums and galleries
    Provide access to art and culture from all over the world.

What impact will the metaverse have?

The metaverse has the potential to fundamentally change the way we live, work, and interact with each other. It could create new opportunities for education, entertainment, business, and society. The following possible effects can already be described today:


  • New business models
    The metaverse could enable new business models and opportunities for businesses across all industries.
  • Virtual work
    The metaverse could change the way we work, with the ability to work remotely in virtual offices and teams.
  • Virtual commerce
    The metaverse could revolutionize online commerce by allowing customers to experience and purchase products in a 3D environment.


  • Immersive learning
    The metaverse could improve learning through immersive and interactive experiences, including in the continuing education and training of professionals and doctors, for example.
  • Virtual schools
    The metaverse could enable virtual schools and universities, which could improve access to education.
  • Distance learning
    The metaverse could improve distance learning and allow students and teachers to interact with each other worldwide.


  • Virtual games
    The metaverse could revolutionize the gaming industry by immersing players in immersive and interactive worlds, as is already foreseeable in multi-user games.
  • Virtual concerts and events
    The metaverse could offer new opportunities for entertainment, such as virtual concerts and events.
  • Virtual travel
    The metaverse could make it possible to travel the world virtually and experience new places.


  • Social interaction
    The metaverse could enable new forms of social interaction and help people connect with others.
  • Virtual communities
    The metaverse could enable new virtual communities that bring together people with similar interests.
  • Improved communication
    The metaverse could improve communication by allowing people to see and hear each other in a 3D environment.
  • Digital identities
    The metaverse opens up exciting opportunities, but poses a challenge for security and identity management.
  • Healthcare
    With technologies such as virtual reality (VR), surgeons can offer high-quality treatments worldwide.

How real is the metaverse already?

The metaverse is still in the early stages of development. There are already simple implementations of some of the basic concepts of the metaverse, such as:

  • Second Life
    A virtual world that has existed since 2003 where users can create avatars, interact with each other, and buy and sell virtual goods.
  • Fortnite
    A popular online game that also features a virtual world with social interactions and events.
  • Decentraland
    A virtual world based on blockchain technology that allows users to own land, construct buildings, and trade virtual goods.

Examples of existing application skins are:

  • Virtual conferences
    Companies like Microsoft and Meta offer virtual conferencing and meeting platforms that overcome physical distances.
  • Virtual showrooms
    Companies like IKEA and BMW use virtual showrooms to present their products to customers in a 3D environment.
  • Virtual Learning Environments
    Universities such as Stanford and Harvard offer virtual courses and learning environments that enhance access to education.

While the technology of the metaverse is still evolving, there are already many concrete examples of how it can change our world.