Alexander Wurzer is Professor of IP Management👉 Strategic and operative handling of IP to maximize value. at CEIPI at the University of Strasbourg, the European Centre for Intellectual Property👉 Creations of the mind protected by legal rights. Education and Studies. He developed the first University diploma program in IP Management with the EPO at CEIPI and is Director of the program. Professor Wurzer is passionate about innovation👉 Practical application of new ideas to create value. in the digital age. He is Chairman for eLearning of the European Patent Office’s HTB initiative and heads the DIN working group for quality standards in IP management (DIN77006). He actively shapes the global discussion on intellectual property in digital transformation and intellectual asset management.
Prof. Dr. Wurzer is the organiser of the CTO Forum, which has been awarding the Rudolf-Diesel-Medal, Germany’s first general innovation prize, since 1953. He works with companies with the aim of “securing your digital vision”:
Alexander is the author of more than 200 publications, including numerous books on the commercial exploitation of intellectual property and the IP design method, which he has significantly developed. He has also published many case studies of successful IP management and IP design in industry.
He runs his own blog: